What is the basis of your state’s moral legitimacy?

April 3, 2022

What is the basis of your state’s moral legitimacy? Is it persuasive, or not?
[Note: These are NOT questions about whether your state, in fact, ACTS morally in current practice. This is 1) a clear descriiption of the theoretical moral basis of the state, and 2) the strengths or weaknesses of basing a state on those principles.]
By Saturday, 4/2, submit your 5-page essay (double-spaced) that develops your defense or critique of the moral legitimacy of your state. This essay should include citations to at least two authoritative sources. Authoritative sources include philosophical texts (e.g., Plato, Marx, Locke, Nozick, buddhavacana, etc.); scholarly articles, including those that summarize philosophical texts; and accounts from existing regimes (e.g., if you’re pro-monarchy, then speeches/websites from existing monarchies are appropriate).
Also include things such as advantages and disadvantages of absolute monarchy and so on.

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