What is Mark to market accounting?

November 10, 2022

Movie assignment – 2 plus pages each movie
Enron : The Smartest Guys in the Room.
What is Mark to market accounting? As a 4th year business student do you think the concept is sensible?
What new financial markets did Enron create? SPV/ SPE is not a market
Did the executives of Enron “steal” their employees’ retirement monies?
As of 2022 where are Bethany McLean, Cliff Baxter, Andrew Fastow, Jeff Skilling, Sherron Watkins, Lou Pai and Kenneth Lay now?
In your opinion what was the one most outrageous thing that Enron did?
Inside Job
What is a CDO/CMO?
What part did AIG play in the financial collapse?
What part did your text book publisher McGraw Hill play in the financial collapse?
Has the TARP program been successful? Site 4 sources – current (the movie did not address TARP
As of 2022 where are Glen Hubbard, Kristen Davis, Barney Frank, Christine Lagarde, George Soros, Eliot Spitzer and Dominique Strauss – Kahn?
Queen of Versailles
What is a time share? Why would a person buy one? During tough economic times why is it usually the first debt a person stops paying?
How did the economic collapse of 2007/8 effect Westgate resorts? (at least 3 examples) (the business not the families personal finances)
Would you want to grow up in this household?
How did the family react to the movie? (react once the movie was completed)
It’s 2022, what’s the status of the house and the Siegel Family finances?
Main sources are the movies

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