What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term?

November 29, 2022

This week, consider the following terms:
Chemical symbol
Atomic theory
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words and also leave two separate comments below the discussion relating to the topic of 50 words each please and thank you!!!!!! (Please do not put the two separate comments with the discussion of 175 words)!!!!!!!!!
Choose at least 2 terms from the list, and answer the following questions for each term:
What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term?
What does the term mean in everyday language to everyday people? Use examples to help describe your thoughts. How do people use the word?
What does the term mean in technical language to chemists?
How is the term related to the course student learning outcome: Explain matter at the microscopic level?
What are the similarities and differences between the everyday and technical meanings and uses of the term?
What impact might the similarities and differences have on your learning of chemistry concepts in this course?

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