What are the unique challenges of policy implementation in developing countries?

May 10, 2024

What are the unique challenges of policy implementation in developing countries? Explain your answer using relevant policy examples.
For essays: 
Read the question.  Think about it.  Ask yourself what is the context of this, what is its history, why is it being asked, what are the range of ways I could answer it?
Define any key terms and/or discuss the ambiguities in them.  Use social science texts rather than regular dictionaries for this. Wikipedia is a hazard!
Begin with an introduction. If you start by showing that you can see many sides of the question, make sure that you narrow it down into something manageable and state clearly what you intend to do.
Write a separate clear conclusion that brings together the main points of your argument.
All essays and coursework: 
Reference properly and fully!  5 references is an absolute minimum (not including lecture notes).  10 is a better target. 
You will gain marks by demonstrating that you have read around the topic and are capable of reviewing and synthesizing literature. 
Make sure you are really clear what each of the references is arguing. Compare and contrast different author’s views.  Make clear where you stand yourself.
When formatting, remember to: 
double or 1 1/2 space all written work;
use at least 11 point font;  
include ample margins;
and insert page numbers.

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