What are the major principles in your personal code of morality? How would you a

June 30, 2024

What are the major principles in your personal code of morality? How would you answer the following moral questions regarding what is right and what is wrong: Should there be a death penalty for monstrous crimes and, if so, what qualifies as “monstrous”? Why or why not? Should national health insurance under which all people receive medical services regardless of their level of wealth be provided? If so, who should pay for it? Should corporal punishment be allowed in schools? Why or why not? Should prayer be allowed in schools? Why or why not?
What are your personal beliefs about spirituality and religion? To what extent do you believe all people should share your views?
Does a healthy person have the right to take his or her own life? What about a person who is terminally ill or in chronic, severe pain?

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