We have now had several modules about the “U.S. and the Middle East” Topic. What

June 17, 2024

We have now had several modules about the “U.S. and the Middle East” Topic. What are the three most important problems that face the community of nations in the region concerning this, in your best reasoned judgment? Rank the three problems in order of importance from first most important to third in a clear way, citing both relevant factual information and your own arguments to show their relative importance. Also, describe what is the policy of the U.S. (and its allies) toward these problems, and give an assessment of how successful it is at present, and has been in the past decade or so, in addressing each of these problems. You should clearly draw upon all the assigned materials (e.g. readings, discussion forum posts by students and instructor, etc.) that are relevant to your points. You need not use any non-assigned sources, but if you do, you must cite them thoroughly, including authors, titles, publication information, Urls, and pages (as relevant), indicating also where you use them in your essay, according to accepted academic principles of citation.

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