We have 6 SPMs in service, and there are deferent type of hoses installed in eac

May 2, 2024

We have 6 SPMs in service, and there are deferent type of hoses installed in each SPM. Those hoses to be replaced once it is retired, and every type of hoses has deferent life time. 
We have a yearly plan to procure large number and deferent types of the hoses and accessories as part of our SPM maintenance strategy. For example, now we are procuring the hoses and accessories that will be installed in 2025.
I need your support to prepare a technical paper to explain how to maintain the availability of the deferent type of hoses and develop a maintenance strategy and new systematic way or technology for the procurement of the new hoses and the what shall we do with the old hoses after its service life. 
Also, how to plan for the future procurements of the hoses and accessories and share some best practices. For any further clarification do not hesitate to contact me.

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