watch and answer these questions 1. What did

May 18, 2024

and answer these questions
1. What did Maria say about her experience working in the garment industry? Provide two examples.
2. What did Lupe argue about the plenty of jobs available for immigrants?
3. What did attorney Julie Su argue about Forever 21?
4. What did Maria say about the problems with her husband and sacrificing for her children?
5. In a March ruling by a judge, what was the outcome of the Forever 21 case?
6. At a university class presentation, explain the story of how Maura felt humiliated?
7. According to attorney Julie Su, what did Forever 21 decide to do after the appeal court decision?
8. According to Lupe, how many years did it take the garment workers to reach a final agreement with Forever 21?
9. Why did Maura decide to learn English and apply for citizenship?
10.Explain the life learning lesson of the masterpiece that Lupe shares at the end of the film.

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