Watch the PBS Documentary The Eugenics Crusade in the Module 4 Folder. Review th

June 23, 2024

Watch the PBS Documentary The Eugenics Crusade in the Module 4 Folder.
Review this article:  Rutherford 2021 Eugenics.pdf
Use any search engine to further research eugenics. Explain the goal(s) of eugenics and briefly explain what factors contributed to the eugenics movement becoming so prominent in the United States.
Although it is hard to fathom now, but 100 years ago the eugenics movement was actually supported and advocated for by many scientists. Briefly explain why eugenics is not grounded in science and is based on incorrect genetic principles. 
How does eugenics differ from other aspects of medical genetics and genetic engineering?
Consider that only a few years ago a Tennessee prosecutor was fired for making forced sterilization part of plea deals, and that in as recently as 2017, vasectomies and birth control implants were used as incentives to shorten jail sentences for Tennessee inmates – until it was finally halted by a federal court order (Associated Press 2015, Tamburin 2019, Dwyer 2017 NPR, Rosenblatt 2017 NBC News). Are there other potential manifestations of eugenics or scientific/biological racism in our society today?

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