Using the six articles from the Topic 6 assignment, identify what research instr

May 13, 2024

Using the six articles from the Topic 6 assignment, identify what research instruments to gather data were used.
Create a report of 1,250 words depicting data collection methods. Include the following:
Delineate the data collection instruments that were used in the six research articles on Police and Community Relationships.
From the “gaps” that you discovered in the research from Topic 6, create one research question.
Describe which research methodology should be used to better understand the issue you have chosen to study.
Determine what data collection techniques you should use to collect data to better understand your issue.
Additionally, from all of your research on community-police relations, assess various strategies used by police departments to gain and maintain the trust of the public. What strategies should be used to build better police community relationships, based on the data? 
Finally, develop a long-term vision of how best to utilize law enforcement resources. Support your rationale with research 
Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. 

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