Using the argument template, give 1 full Pro and 1 full Con argument for the fol

June 26, 2024

Using the argument template, give 1 full Pro and 1 full Con argument for the following proposition. All premises must be entirely in your own words. For each argument you need at least 6 premises that are fully developed statements, in your own words, along with properly cited supporting evidence, all leading to a specific conclusion.
Be sure to avoid all emotive language and fallacies throughout both of your arguments.
General Proposition: Grade inflation in U.S. high schools and colleges is a significant problem.
Here is a template for a pro argument. (A con argument follows the same pattern, but argues against the
general proposition for a specific reason.) The debates do not need to be in essay form, they can just
look like a filled out version of this:
General Proposition: (The general proposition is the same for the whole debate, pro arguments agree
with it & con arguments disagree with it.)
Pro Argument #1
Specific Conclusion for Pro Argument #1: (This should be a more specific version of your general
proposition, pro conclusions agree with the proposition & con conclusions disagree.)
Premise #1: (Each premise needs to be a full statement, not just a phrase.)
Supporting Evidence:
Premise #2:
Supporting Evidence:
Premise #3:
Supporting Evidence:
Premise #4:
Supporting Evidence:
Premise #5:
Supporting Evidence:
Premise #6:
Supporting Evidence:
(All premises should be entirely in your own words. Make sure each premise is a good reason for
accepting the specific conclusion for that argument. Supporting evidence should be properly cited from
one of your credible sources.)

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