Using SQL, create a database that tracks the inventory of books. You must have t

July 4, 2024

Using SQL, create a database that tracks the inventory of books. You must have the following tables: BOOKS, AUTHORS, PUBLISHERS, GENRE, and BOOK_TYPE. 
The BOOKS table must have the following attributes: ISBN, TITLE, AUTHOR_ID, PUBLISHER_ID, BOOK_TYPE, GENRE, and PUBLISH_DATE.
The AUTHORS table must have the following attributes: AUTHOR_ID, LAST_NAME, and FIRST_NAME.
The PUBLISHERS table must have the following attributes: PUBLISHER_ID, COMPANY_NAME, and STATE.
The GENRE table is a lookup table with one field: GENRE_TYPE.
The BOOK_TYPE table is a lookup table with one field BOOK_TYPE.
Make sure you have the appropriate Primary and Foreign Keys where needed. You must establish relationships between BOOKS and the other tables.
Populate the two lookup tables:
GENRE will have: Romance, Thriller, Western, Spy, History
BOOK_TYPE will have: Hardback, Paperback, Electronic
You can only use SQL Statements. Test your work and submit the SQL file.

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