Using evidence from course materials (and optionally, your own experiences), exp

May 4, 2024

Using evidence from course materials (and optionally, your own experiences), explain how neoliberalism and the capitalist mode of production affect criminalization and gentrification in the United States (250 words or more).
Using ethnographic evidence from course materials (and optionally, your own experiences), explain how neoliberal policy in the education system affects youth of color in Chicago and California (250 words or more).
Using ethnographic evidence from course materials (and optionally, your own experiences), explain: (a) how the criminalization of Black and Brown communities in the United States has affected youth and their families; and, (b) describe ways in which organizations and movements have tried to counteract racialized policing and incarceration (250 words or more). 
Using examples from course materials, what type of pedagogy (curricular approaches) supported the learning of communities that are typically harmed by neoliberal pedagogies (150 words or more)? 
If you could study issues of education and/or criminalization as an anthropologist, what communities/groups would you study, and what methods would you use? For how long would you conduct your study? Reference and cite the methods/study length of social scientists from the course to support your response (150 words 
Only use outside sources when needed*** 
Use files I uploaded 

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