Use the same topic and research that you did for the works cited discussion Use

July 5, 2024

Use the same topic and research that you did for the works cited discussion
Use only 4 of the 8 sources that you found for the works cited to develop your annotated biography
You are elevating the sources in writing, so make sure to choose the best 4
When reviewing sources, keep in mind that an effective argument essay will contain all three argumentative appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos.
At least one of the four sources needs to be used for a counterargument.
Create an annotated bibliography for each source.
Works Cited entry: Using the sources you have found, make sure you fix the formatting to be in proper MLA. 
Summary: A summary of the source that you are analyzing is the first element you are including within the annotation. 
Evaluation: You are determining the source’s reliability (Is the author of your source reliable?)
Response: Here, you must respond in your annotation as to how the source will be useful to your project (for example: will it be used as support for your argument, your counterargument

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