Use the rubric below to complete this assignment. You may use your own company o

July 5, 2024

Use the rubric below to complete this assignment. You may use your own company or use the Wish You Wood Toy Store to prepare a SWOT analysis. Below is the Case Summary:
Jim and Pam Klein operate a toy store in a resort town and expanded by offering the same products online. However, their website generated few sales, other than to their already-loyal store customers. The owners tried partnering with and saw an initial jump in online sales. However, Amazon began competing with lower prices on their most popular and profitable items. Jim and Pam need to decide whether to continue selling online and, if so, how. 
I am primarily looking for you to complete the SWOT analysis sheet (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).
I expect your written work to be 2-3 pages (6352 students) and 5 pages (6552 students) typed, 1 inch margins all the way around, in APA writing style (Author/date format), written at a level expected of graduate level students.

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