USE INFO PROVIDED NO OUTSIDE INFO You should write a concise, yet detailed essay

May 4, 2024

You should write a concise, yet detailed essay with a clear argument based on the course material. Support your arguments and the points you make with specific examples and details from our course material.
Do NOT write an essay that simply strings together a list of loosely-related facts and observations.
Do NOT draw on external sources outside of our course material to write your response. Use our course material. IF you draw on outside sources to answer the essay question, which is designed to assess your understanding of our class material, you will receive a 0 on the essay.
Good Luck!
1. Earlier in the course we discussed two approaches in anthropology: the interpretive approach and materialist approach. Considering these two approaches, to what degree does the concept of the ‘default framing for sustainability’ (i.e. the individualization of responsibility for environmental problems) reflect an interpretive or materialist approach to studying sustainability? In your answer, make sure to expand on at least three examples from our course to illustrate the ‘default framing’ and its relationship to sustainability. USE FILES ATTACHED ONLY FOR INFORMATION . should be around 500 words

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