Use cell referencing to avoid the need to round numbers. Answer questions compl

July 5, 2024

Use cell referencing to avoid the need to round numbers.
Answer questions completely, but concisely. In other words, your
answer must complete and answer all parts of the question to receive full
credit, but should be kept to only what is needed to answer the question. Any
additional information given can hurt your grade if it is incorrect.
Do not add or remove cells from columns A to L. Any additional
work done for each problem should be conducted in the open space underneath
the problem or to the right of the problem.
Partial credit is available for Problems. To receive partial
credit, work must be shown and organized in a way that can be followed.
In order to receive credit for problems, all work must be shown
in your Excel file. Answers with no work shown will receive a score of 0.
Having the correct answer without supporting work will still result in a
score of 0.

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