Unit Four Discussion Assignment Chapter 8 of textbook has stated, “Thus, it woul

June 30, 2024

Unit Four Discussion Assignment
Chapter 8 of textbook has stated, “Thus, it would seem that most of the authority to regulate U.S. trade rests with Congress, and not with the president…” As we will see in this chapter, however, “…much of the president’s role in regulating U.S. trade is delegated to him by Congress itself.”
Chapter 8 introduces us to the concept of separation of powers between the three federal branches of United States (legislative, executive, and judicial) in dealing with international trading/policy. This is the idea that international business law students should be first familiar with how U.S. governments run its international economic affairs before moving onto understand other nations’ foreign trading policies. Since role of the judicial branch in international trading is largely to interpret the laws and on whether a particular governmental action is constitutional, we will concentrate our efforts on the study of foreign trading powers between the legislative (congress) and executive (president and his staff) branches.
Your job is to research and fully explain the following: 1) Name and fully explain two major powers the U.S. Congress has on regulating U.S. international trade. 2) Visit the websites of the U.S. Trade Representative, the Secretary of Treasury, and the Secretary of Commerce.  Please provide a summary of what each of these federal agency does and their roles in U.S. international trading. U.S. Trade Representative’s website is at http://www.ustr.gov/ Secretary of Treasure’s website is at http://www.ustreas.gov/ Secretary of Commerce’s website is at http://www.commerce.gov/
Instructions: Post a main posting and reply substantively to at least two (2) of your classmates.

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