Unit 5 Assignment: Journal (5%) Please go over the study material in UNIT 5 BEFO

June 15, 2024

Unit 5 Assignment: Journal (5%)
Please go over the study material in UNIT 5 BEFORE attempting this Assessment.
Read these instructions carefully and follow all of them for full marks.
Word count – 300 words (be within 10%).
Submit your document as a Word doc/pdf or similar
Use headings such as ‘Part 1, Part 2’
Title page NOT required
Proper APA reference for the source IS required.
Research a HOMICIDE case online (so, someone died and someone else was charged) that happened somewhere in Canada. (Find one on the Internet or through the Seneca Library)
Summarize the case in your OWN words; do NOT copy and paste from the news source. It must be a legitimate news source such as: Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, CTV News, Global News, or CBC News.
Be sure to cite your source using APA format.
What was the relationship between the victim and accused? Did they know each other (or not – was it a random act)?
Also, was it classified as first degree, second degree, manslaughter or infanticide? Explain why it was classified that way by referring to the appropriate section (and subsection where needed) in the C.C.
If you don’t have enough information from the case you found to answer the above questions – then find a different case.
Submission: Word doc/pdf or similar via Blackboard and SafeAssign (through the Submission tab in Assignments)
Value: 5% (of total grade)
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