Total Possible Points – 250 Please answer each question with several paragraphs

July 1, 2024

Total Possible Points – 250
Please answer each question with several paragraphs (this is not a maximum but a guide for length/depth).
1. Based on your reading, experience and course videos, what is the most compelling measure or metric of a firm’s performance? There is not a correct answer. The key is the analysis and defense of your answer. Provide examples, explain and defend your answer in approx.
2. Based on your reading, experience and our course videos, which is the most compelling explanation (i.e., model or framework) of the factors that determine a firm’s level of performance? (i.e., which model, concept or framework does the best job explaining a company’s success or failure?)
3. Which is the least compelling explanation of a firm’s success (based on your reading, experience and the course videos). Defend your answer in detail.
4. Why should you or do you care (or not) about the causes of a firm’s performance? In other words, does any of this stuff really make a difference in YOUR life?
5. Which ONE of the two generic, business-level strategies (low cost and differentiation) outlined by Porter is the most effective (i.e., which is the best strategy), in your opinion but based on readings, experience and course videos.

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