Topic The author outlines the differences in the Cultures of Psychology and the

May 15, 2024

The author
outlines the differences in the Cultures of Psychology and the Legal System by
explaining the differences between rulings and data.
One of these
explanations is that precedents influence current rulings in cases.
Discuss the
possibility of cases for which there are no precedents and cases for which new
laws are being enacted, such as gay marriage and child custody. Who has the
rights to the child when both parents are mothers? Fathers? What about marriage
between a naturally born male or female and a postoperative gender reassigned
male or female? What happens in cases for which there are no precedents? How
would students rule if they were judges?
Each thread must be at least 400 words and must support your assertions with 
at least 2 citations in current APA format. Lastly please incorporate a biblical 

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