Topic: The legal rights of rivers, mountains, and other natural features (Main f

April 28, 2024

Topic: The legal rights of rivers, mountains, and other natural features (Main focus should be “Rivers and Mountains”
•      The (legal) literature review should:  
o   Identify at least 1 relevant and timely primary legal source on the topic, and at least 12 relevant and timely legal secondary sources on the topic at hand, drawing from different formats such as journal articles, edited volumes, and books
o   List these sources in a bibliography in accordance with the OSCOLA citation convention
o   Summarize the state of the literature on the topic in the main text, not exceeding 1500 words, excluding footnotes and bibliography, referencing that literature properly and precisely in footnotes
Instructions on writing this legal literature review:
“Focus on Rivers and mountains”
Could include other natural features but main focus on rivers and mountains 
Go back to databases and check if the sources are “academic” legal sources
Disagreement? Counterargument?
Anyone disagreeing to the notion of “giving legal rights to nature”?
Look at domestic laws (on top of international law) 
Focus on one country’s case (NZ? India?)
Global south? (Colombia, Ecuador)
Overall summary of the debate itself from scholars (not an introduction)
Short introduction (150-200 words)
Conclusion – sum up your arguments (150-200 words)
And straight into debate (how can this be organized)
Only one Primary source 
Particular domestic legislation (depending on the scholarly debate)
No direct quote / just a reference (due to word limit)
“Blog post” should be an additional source on top of 12 secondary “Academic” journal sources
Working paper series 
Look at the attached sample essay to see how the legal literature review should look like!

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