Topic :  Skincare chemical peels; researching exactly how different types of pee

May 2, 2024

Topic : 
Skincare chemical peels; researching exactly how different types of peels are able to change the structure of the skin. There are different levels of chemical peels which also have varying levels of how deep they penetrate the skin.
The length of the paper. The paper should not exceed 1500 words (excluding the footnotes and/or bibliography); thus, your paper should be focused, and on a topic that is narrow enough that you can write about it meaningfully in a reasonable number of words. But the paper should also be reasonably well developed, too; a paper that is too short may not be sufficient. 
The quality of the content. The paper should be a factual paper. While it is ok to have an opinion or a point of view, the paper should contain factual information from reliable sources. For those of you who use sites such as Wikipedia, it’s ok to start there, but that shouldn’t be your most definitive source of information. You should be using more reliable sources. These could include: published textbooks or articles from edited, reviewed sources. The sources that you will find using the library databases are reliable ones, educational websites (such as websites of research groups, or published notes from professionals) usually are reliable, government, industry and reputable non-profit organizations.
Proper documentation (footnotes or endnotes, and bibliography): You may use either footnotes or endnotes. You should cite sources for any information that is not common knowledge. You also should cite your sources for any material that you quote, even if the information is common knowledge. Your notes and bibliography should be in a standard form. You can use any method that you may have been taught in your English Composition class, or any other standard professional method. There is no set number of sources that you must use, but you should have a variety of sources that demonstrate your ability to retrieve information and assemble it into a meaningful document.
One source I have already found for use is

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