Topic: Industrial and Intellectual Property Law Scenario: Consider you are worki

April 7, 2024

Topic: Industrial
and Intellectual Property Law
Consider you are working as an industrial and intellectual property consultant
of small-and-medium sized organisation. You are writing a detailed report
relating to the Laws on industrial and intellectual property based on the
following tasks for the purpose of creating awareness in your company and to
meet your clients’ needs. You are allowed to use your own country laws relating
to ‘tasks’ and can compare with the UK, EU and International relevant
Task 1: Evaluate the underlying rules relating to intellectual property
Interpret the term ‘intellectual property’ and
explain how the subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.
Identify different types of intellectual
property and laws associated with them.
Critically analyse the impacts of intellectual
property on public interest.
Explain issues relating to the breach of
confidential information in the intellectual property.
Task 2: Evaluate the associated laws and procedures relating to copyright
and trademark.
2.1.     Explain the underlying principles of
2.2.     Interpret trademark and its various
elements to protect words and symbols
2.3.     Evaluate the forms of copyright laws in UK,
Europe and at international level.
2.4.     Explain the framework of trademark law as
operated in UK, Europe and internationally with reference to Trademark Law
Treaty and Community Trademark System.
2.5.     Evaluate limits, enforcement and
infringement of copyright and trademark.
Task 3: Analyse the forms of industrial property rights including patents
and utility models for inventions, industrial designs, trademarks and
geographical indications.
3.1.     Critically analyse the justifications for
intellectual property.
3.2.     Provide sanctions for misuse of
intellectual property including civil and criminal remedies.
3.3.     Explain law of industrial designs
3.4.     Explain legal and administrative mode to
apply for or to deal with infringement of industrial property rights.
3.5.     Explain the UK law national registered
design right and an unregistered design right system
Use several Case
Studies where appropriate
Use the
synthesis of information by consulting with leading scholarly articles
References and
Citations using OSCOLA:

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