Topic – Chemical Reactions in Industry  Many of the products required by modern

May 14, 2024

Topic – Chemical Reactions in Industry 
Many of the products required by modern society are produced by chemical reactions through the application of science and technology. Pick a chemical reaction that an industry uses to produce a product and write a 2 page report about the reaction. There are many industries that perform chemical reactions to produce a product we use in our everyday lives. Some examples of industries are listed below. 
Due Date: May 30th, 11:59 PM
Ideas of types of industries that use chemical reactions (Tip—Google “chemical reactions involved in industry name” to get started): 
Petroleum Fertilizers Pulp and Paper Plastics Mining metals (from seawater)
Man-Made Fibres Detergents Ceramics and Glass Cosmetics Mining metals (from ores)  
Paints Dyes Pharmaceuticals Electroplating
Things to include in the report: 
Part 1. Write a brief summary how the product is produced (1/2 page maximum). Write a balanced chemical equation for the production of the product. Be sure to include all reactants, products, states, necessary reaction conditions (ie temperature, catalysts), and a typical percent yield for the reaction. 
Part 2. For each reactant and product in your chosen reaction describe what type of particle it is. (ie. metal element, nonpolar covalent, polar covalent, or ionic compound). Identify and describe the intermolecular forces that would be attracting each reactant and product particle to its neighbors. 
Part 3. Pick one of the products produced in the reaction and report its melting point, boiling point, conductivity and solubility. Discuss and explain the properties of the product using your chemistry knowledge. Ex. Why does it have a high/low melting point or boiling point? Why is it soluble or insoluble? Why is it conductive or not conductive? 
Part 4. Using calculations, show how you could synthesize 1 kg (actual yield) of the product you have chosen to research. This must be based on its actual percent yield that you have researched. In the production of the chemical, which reactant does the industry make the limiting reactant? Discuss why the industry would choose this reactant to be the limiting reactant. 
Research and Citation:
You are expected to select reliable, current scientific sources of information to put together this report. All ideas obtained through research (including images) must be cited using the APA format shown in the High School Student Agenda, using both in-text citations and a works cited page.

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