To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to request the removal of any creditors fro

June 26, 2024

To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing to request the removal of any creditors from my accounts that do not have a copy of my driver’s license or have misspelled my name. Additionally, I request the removal of any debts not incurred using a Texas location IP address. My personal information has been compromised, and I have been a victim of identity theft for several years. I ask for the removal of all inquiries and credit applications that do not have the correct phone numbers or documentation.
Furthermore, I would like to request a code to be placed on my social security number and credit report. This code should be required for any credit inquiries or account openings. No one should be able to access my personal information or obtain credit without this code.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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things done to try to min the credit given that all credtors claiming debt should product drivers licsence copy and correct spelling of name and should track ip address and which the credit card was open .

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