To practice critical analysis skills for observing, analyzing, and deconstructin

April 6, 2024

To practice critical analysis skills for observing, analyzing, and deconstructing gendered communication, you will select an item that you either discover in your everyday life or on the internet and make an argument for what it communicates about gender.
Examples of items: Hot Wheels car, Bath & Body Works candle, Bubble tea squishmallow 
Some possible, but not required questions you might address: Does it limit masculinity to men and/or femininity to women? Does it stereotype? Does it assume how queer people express their gender identity? These are all examples, you may choose to addresss whatever questions you find relevant. Once you have selected your item, you will write a 3-4 page paper critiquing this item while relating it to at least two readings we have covered in our course thus far. Outside sources are optional but not required.
You are expected to follow the format in the sample outline. You will be graded on content/the strength of your argument, grammar, format, APA 7th style, and references.

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