To create the presentation you will use a PowerPoint format. Include speaker not

July 3, 2024

To create the presentation you will use a PowerPoint format. Include speaker notes and reference page with a total of 12 to 14 slides.
Develop your presentation respond to the following prompts:
Create a case study for Pulmonary embolism and include the following information:
– In short summary format, include Patient/client (use initials), Age, Gender/Gender identity, Race/ethnicity, diagnosis, and health care setting.
– Explain the Pathophysiology of the condition
Describe the typical clinical manifestations
Briefly describe the best practice medical treatment.
– Describe the nursing intervention(s) and health education.
– Correlate the nursing intervention/education to a nursing theory
– Identify the theorist and how the theory supports nursing intervention/education for this condition.
– Include at least three scholarly NURSING or other Healthcare articles from .gov, .edu. or .org within five (5) to ten (10) years that are appropriately cited and referenced
Include slides and speaker notes with citations to support your information

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