This task invites you to closely examine a ‘hidden’ harm related to a criminal j

May 19, 2024

This task invites you to closely examine a ‘hidden’ harm related to a criminal justice activity, process or policy that exists in Australia. Choose an issue that you consider requires better responses from governments and/or other powerful institutions of ‘justice’ and have a go at identifying what better responses look like.
This task enables you to build your skills in the area of persuasive policy briefing by providing advice ‘up the chain’ (in an imaginary government organisation) that captures what you see as the best way to enact reform. Synthesising complex evidence is a key skill for future criminologists, criminal justice actors and policy makers who are working towards ‘doing justice’ better in the future.
The audience for this task should be a senior advisor to a relevant Minister currently in government (can be real or imagined). This means that we expect you to write in a formal and structured manner using the Briefing Note template provided. A Briefing Note provides a description of an issue that draws on research and practice-based evidence to provide options and recommendations to address that particular issue. Briefing Notes inform decision-makers about an issue by succinctly describing key pieces of information.

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