This signature assignment is about you and your growth as a leader. Before you s

May 5, 2024

This signature assignment is about you and your growth as a leader. Before you start, conduct a personal SWOT analysis. Evaluate your leadership Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You will discuss this analysis in the presentation. The following must be addressed in your presentation.
Discuss your personal SWOT analysis and the findings.
What do you consider the ideal leader?
How would you describe yourself as a leader now?
What are your plans to fill the gaps between your current leadership and your ideal leadership?
How and where are you going to practice leadership?
What support structures do you need to put in place to reach your leadership goals?
How can your Clifton Strengths contribute to your leadership growth?
Submission Guidelines
Your signature assignment will be delivered in presentation form with recorded audio alongside the slides. 
You may use Powerpoint, Google Slides, Adobe Spark, Prezi, or your favorite presentation platform. 
Your voiceover presentation should be 10-12 slides and include additional title, conclusion, and reference slides. 
Your slides should contain fully annotated speaker notes. 
Include at least three (3) credible sources.
Submit this assignment as an mp4 file. 
Be sure to conform to APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center (use the link in the Course Navigation bar). The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these references (use the link in the Course Navigation bar). Consider this Visual Presentationsresource from the CSU Global Writing Center as you prepare your presentation.

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