This is the assignment requirement “Group Work_Assignment_Project Report_FINAL”,

May 10, 2024

This is the assignment requirement “Group Work_Assignment_Project Report_FINAL”,so you can know the topic of this assignment. And I made up the persona of a character,you can see this file  “Group Assignment-Persona template_ WGEAdata”. And i will give you 4 data set, what i want you do is help to clean the data base on the assignment requirement and persona template, “wgea_questionnaire_2023.csv”(zip), “wgea_submission_group_mapping_2023.csv”, “wgea_workforce_composition_2023.csv”, “wgea_workforce_management_statistics_2023.csv”,. this is those 4 data set, please clean it base the requirements. The final file format should be a csv file or an excel file, and tell me which data you cleaned. The reason why i need to clean the data is because i want visulization these in the tableau. just in case so you can make sure how to clean it.

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