This is an essay qs for the subject EU law. “To what extent is it correct to say

May 12, 2024

This is an essay qs for the subject EU law. “To what extent is it correct to say that the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights has strengthened the protection of human rights in the EU?”.
Ill provide you a good answer to this question would be “assess the impact of the CJEU case law both on EU law and national law, focusing on judgments such as Google Spain or Digital Rights Ireland, where the Court annulled the Directive at stake and imposed new human rights standards.
The application of Arts 51 and 52 of the Charter with respect to national law should be analysed (Fransson) and the horizontal effect of the Charter. Recent cases such as Commission v Hungary (education) and rule of law cases (Poland) also need to be discussed.
Poor answers to this question… mixed Charter and citizenship issues.”
Keeping both the good answer and the bad answer, write me an answer structure for this essay qs

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