This is a rough draft only please. This class just started so do not write like

June 19, 2024

This is a rough draft only please. This class just started so do not write like I am super knowledgeable yet. 
What is expected: a document with an introduction explaining the purpose and scope of the project, body of information filled with sections of info based on the rubric as well as any assumptions and additional informational you think is helpful to explain your points. Finally a conclusion of some sort that summarizes your points and ultimately a comparison of the old method compared to the new method and why it will be a better solution going forward. Do NOT copy and paste any information from the help documents given to you, you will lose points if you do so. Much of this project is factual information of the what but you also need to include the why, how and when. It all logically needs to make sense. The rubric content is accurate, the rubric points are for the final draft.
What is expected –
A 3-5 page paper of content with an introduction explaining the purpose of this topic. The body of the paper will address all the questions you would have such as who, what, when, how…things like this. The body would be made up of the information gathered from the rubric items and anything else that is helpful to your points. Finally you should end with some type of conclusion that explains why this information is important or what you gained from preparing the paper such as the major takeaways. A cover page is optional but you should have a works cited page. Neither of these is counted in the 3-5 pages.

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