this is a big assigment and a lot to read !!!  will link the book below. INSTRUC

April 5, 2024

this is a big assigment and a lot to read !!! 
will link the book below.
1) Read Traction Chapters 6-24:
Chapter 6: Targeting Blogs
Chapter 7: Publicity
Chapter 8: Unconventional PR
Chapter 9: Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Chapter 10: Social and Display Ads
Chapter 11: Offline Ads
Chapter 12: Search Engine Optimization
Chapter 13: Content Marketing
Chapter 14: Email Marketing
Chapter 15: Viral Marketing
Chapter 16: Engineering as Marketing: 
Chapter 17: Business Development
Chapter 18: Sales
Chapter 19: Affiliate Programs
Chapter 20: Existing Platforms
Chapter 21: Trade Shows
Chapter 22: Offline Events
Chapter 23: Speaking Engagements
Chapter 24: Community Building
2) Identify a relatively new startup company (<10 years in existence) or small/local business to serve as the focus for your case analysis. While not required, you might consider choosing a business where you are a very loyal customer and/or fan of their products or services. It also cannot be an example firm referenced in the book, NOR CAN IT BE THE COMPANY YOU USED FOR CASE WRITE-UP #1. If these selection parameters aren't followed, you may incur a deduction up to 25 points. 
3) Download this Business Model Canvas (BMC) PPT template and complete a BMC for the firm (22.5 points)
4) Prepare and complete a comprehensive case write-up (see 4 required sections below) to demonstrate your understanding of the key themes, concepts and methodologies described in Chapters 6-24 in Traction as applied through the thoughtful research and analysis of the firm identified above.
Write-Up Section 1 – Selection of Company (2 points): Identify and document all the companies for which you've completed Traction cases in this class. See the guidance in Task #2 above to ensure you're in compliance based on the required parameters of your selection.
Traction Case 1 (Chapters 1-5): [Company 1 Name]
Traction Case 2 (Chapters 6-24): [Company 2 Name]
Write-Up Section 2 – Channel Analysis (40 points): Assess the company's channel strategies. Based on your research, choose at least 4 of the 19 channel strategies detailed in Chapters 6-24 to effectively demonstrate and apply your knowledge of these channels with a comprehensive analysis of the firm's channels strategies. This means you'll have 4 separate sub-sections within Section 2, each corresponding to the channels you choose:
Specifically, how does that channel play a role in driving the firm's growth and go-to-market strategies?
What specific customer segments are targeted for that channel? See your business model analysis with your BMC above. Also remember that not all channels are focused on all of the firm's customer segments, so be clear that you're aligning the channel to the proper customer segment or sub-segment.
How does that channel strategy interact or complement other channel strategies utilized by the firm, i.e., how do they work together to market and/or deliver the value proposition to the target customers?
How effective, in your expert opinion, is that channel strategy for the company AND why?
Write-Up Section 3 – Traction Channel Consultant Experiment Recommendations (35.5 points): Imagine you've been hired as a traction consultant to help this company innovate and grow its business. The company has very limited funds, and can't take the risk of investing heavily in a new channel if it's not going to yield a solid return as measured in a significant increase in new customers and sales. You propose that the firm conduct targeted, but low cost experiments to test measurable traction in the channels first. Describe the details in the following steps you'd propose for your customer:
Conduct an "Outer Ring – What's Possible" brainstorm for this company clearly identifying at least 5 OTHER channels that the firm is NOT using today and explaining how the firm could use each of those channels.
Pick 1 channel from your Outer Ring – What's Possible brainstorm above that you would recommend for this firm to conduct a cheap traction test as part of the "Middle Ring – What's Probable" step. Make sure to explain your rationale for why you're choosing this channel for the company to test. Revisit Chapters 3, 4 and 5 you need a refresher!
Clearly and comprehensively design and describe ALL the components of a cheap traction test recommendation as part of a Middle Ring – What's Probable experiment, which should include:
The estimated cost and/or level of effort for the company to test this channel
Specific data and relevant metrics you'd aim to collect and measure
What you hope the experiment will prove out with specific evidence or proof points
Write-Up Section 4 – Source Citation: Document/cite all the references and sources used to prepare your case. This does not need to be MLA formatted but it must clearly and accurately itemize all your references and sources (up to -10 points if missing or inadequate source citation)
5) Submit BOTH the BMC and case write-up to this folder.
Assessment Criteria
To receive full credit for this graded deliverable, you must fulfill all the criteria in the assignment rubric, which includes a case write-up that comprehensively addresses the key elements for the channels in Chapters 6-24. External research on the firm must be evident through the clear source citation, as well as in the breadth and depth of the analysis exhibited in the BMC and the narrative components (sections 1-3) outlined step 4. Similarly, the analyses depicted in your case write-up will effectively demonstrate that you've read, understood and applied the key Traction themes, concepts and methodologies to the startup or small business focus for the case. The case write-up must be submitted in MS Word in this submission folder. Originality will be assessed using the TurnitIn Tool.
Traction Case BMC + Write-Up #2 Points Distribution (see Rubric details)
Business Model Canvas (BMC): 22.5 points
Write-Up Section 1: Selection and Documentation of the Startup Company Focus: 2 points (up to -25 points if you don't follow the selection parameters noted above in Task #2)
Write-Up Section 2: Channel Analysis: 40 points (10 points per channel)
Write-Up Section 3: Traction Channel Consultant Experiment Recommendations: 35.5 points
Write-Up Section 4: Source Citation: up to -10 points for missing or inadequate source citation
book will be linked
-The first traction case will also be linked. someone did that for me and it was completely off the mark and wrong. I will link it to give you an idea of what not to do. Teachers feedback will also be avaliable.
-teachers feedback- Overall, this was not a comprehensive analysis, where a clearer description is needed to fully examine the company. Additionally, you lost a significant amount of points for not clearly identifying 3 separate channels and going through the analysis for each channel. 
There is also a BMC to be completed, the powerpoint template will be linked.
if the book link does not work please do tell.
if any questions please ask 🙂

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