This activity consists of three steps that you should complete in the following

May 22, 2024

This activity consists of three steps that you should complete in the following order to proceed through the activity with maximum efficiency.
Step 1
Read Chapter 2 of Geospatial Analysis and watch Basics of Using LiDAR Data Video (18:50).
Step 2
View the SNHU Google Earth tutorial videos linked below. These videos will help you complete question 6 of the assessment document and instruct you on how to create, manage, and edit data in Google Earth, as well as how to create maps in Google Earth.
Video: Navigating and Basics of Google Earth (26:49)
A captioned version of this video is available here. 
Video: Creating Saved Data and Exploring Map Creation in Google Earth (11:34)
A captioned version of this video is available here. 
Step 3
Respond to the questions in the Module Three Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric document using short answers for questions 1–5 and a screenshot for question 6. Submit your answers in a single PDF or Word document.
Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.
Geospatial Analysis Chapter 2:
Basics of using LIDAR:
Google Earth Videos:

SCI 225 Module Three Geographic Data and Analysis Assessment Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric
Geographic Data and Analysis Assessment
Both the vector and raster data models accomplish the same thing: they allow us to represent entities on the Earth’s surface. The difference is the process used to create the representation. The vector approach is like creating a picture of a landscape with shards of stained glass cut to various shapes and sizes. The raster approach, by contrast, is a pixilated photograph or colorful checkerboard. Answer the following questions, ensuring you incorporate at least two appropriate scholarly resources (you may use the materials from the module if you wish) that informed your responses.
Answer the following questions in paragraph format to indicate you successfully understand the concepts from the resource materials and Raster Data exercises.
Question 1
Neither raster nor vector is perfectly suited to model all real world phenomena. Identify three strengths and two weaknesses for raster data and for vector data.
Question 2
Would raster or vector be a better format for storing land ownership parcels? Give at least two supporting justifications for your choice.
Question 3
If the following data files were stored as raster data, what data would be considered discrete and which would be continuous: rainfall, soil type, voting districts, temperature, elevation, and vegetation type? Justify each choice.
Question 4
From section 2.2 ‘Spatial Relationships’ in Geospatial Analysis, choose a spatial relationship sub-topic and discuss how the method could be used to explore geographic data within your area of interest? How could spatial statistics be used to explore geographic data within this field?
Question 5
Knowing what you know now about data development, what is the importance of metadata? How does metadata dictate whether or not data is suitable to use for analysis? Examine the table below and explain if the following metadata indicates that the geographic data is suitable to compare major city populations in the United States for 2015.
METADATA UsaCityPopulation.shp
Developer US Census Bureau
Date Developed 2000
Coordinate System Albers Equal Area
Method City information is drawn from the decennial US census
Question 6
Submit a screen shot of a map you developed using Google Earth. This map should include 2 polygons, 2 lines, and at least 1 point. The map should have a title and a legend at minimum.
What to Submit
Your paper must be submitted as a two- to five-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA format with a reference page.
Google Earth pro can be used for this. I will provide the download link

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