They should be 1 – 2 pages double spaced each (minimum 260 words). You will be e

July 5, 2024

They should be 1 – 2 pages double spaced each (minimum 260 words).
You will be evaluated for demonstrating that you have reflected on the in-class discussions. You can reflect on any one of the in- class discussions from the week or all of them. You can decide what you’d like to highlight or focus on. You can reflect on the points that were raised, their relation to the lecture content, what points may have been missed, what you learned from this process, how does it relate to what you thought before, etc. The reflections are open, so feel free to dicuss the things that speak to you most. You can also draw on personal experience in your relfections.
Each response is worth 5% and will be graded out of 5 marks, with a full mark being deducted for each day it is late.
These reflections will be marked based on evidence of engagement with the in-class discussions, according to the following marking scheme:
5/5: Your reflection clearly demonstrates that you have engaged with the points raised in the in-class discussions, commented on them, critically engaged with them, highlighted what you thought were strong points and (perhaps) what was missing from the discussion, and offered a critical question for further discussion.
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