There has been a lot of discussion over the years, mainly among the general publ

April 4, 2024

There has been a lot of discussion over the years, mainly among the general public on social media, that the consumption of genetically modified foods and food ingredients, such as GMO corn, soy, and wheat, is harmful to humans. Ever look on a food product and see “non-GMO Certified”? Ever heard someone say “GMOs are bad”? Your task is to research this topic and determine if there is sufficient scientific evidence to suggest that the consumption of GMO foods and food ingredients are causing harm to humans.
This is a science class so we need to set this question up in more of a scientific or testable way (i.e., very clearly and well defined) — Does the consumption of GMO foods and food ingredients negatively affect or alter the normal structure and function of humans (i.e., their anatomy or physiology)? This is what you are looking for evidence of – a negative effect of GMOs on human anatomy or physiology (i.e., metabolism, reproduction, nervous function, eye sight, etc.). Based on science and the scientific method, if no such effect can be shown through rigorous scientific testing, then it is unlikely that such an effect exists.
Each student must research the topic and critically think about the scientific evidence that is available. Once you have completed your research, you will evaluate the evidence and carefully craft a concise 600 – 800 word essay outlining the evidence you found and your conclusions on the topic (i.e., yes there is sufficient evidence or no there isn’t). This assignment is not intended for you to simply convey unsubstantiated opinions on the topic. If you have an opinion on the matter, you must substantiate your position using scientific evidence. You must provide justification for your conclusions and cite your sources of information using APA format both in-text and in your reference section at the end of your essay. Please type your essay as a response directly to this original post. Do not upload the essay as a Word Doc.
I will not be grading you on whether I agree with your conclusions. You will be graded based on (1) general composition and grammar (i.e., sentence structure and flow, punctuation, spelling), (2) how well you present and discuss the scientific evidence you found, (3) how well you support and substantiate your conclusions using the scientific evidence that you have collected, (4) the validity of your sources, and (5) following APA formatting. Refer to the grading rubric for specific grading criteria. Be sure to paraphrase; using quotations is plagiarism. Make sure you use valid and reputable scientific sources (i.e., primary literature, governmental and university websites, research organization websites, etc.).

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