The short stories are in The Norton Anthology of World Literature. I’m not sure

April 28, 2024

The short stories are in The Norton Anthology of World Literature. I’m not sure if you can get 
access to this online book. Here is the link I’m not sure if it will work.[npp-25eb9496adca5ddebdff]!/4[doc-7.2.0] 
Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Or is your proposal a conversation between both arguments?
How does this join current conversations regarding this topic?
Make sure you have at least one peer-reviewed article.  
These were my teacher’s comments on my essay proposal that I listed in the assignment topic above.  I am 
allowed to pick my topic so if you see one that is easier feel free to do that. It just has to be a short story in “The Norton Anthology of World Literature.” 
I have provided my teacher’s instructions in the file below. 
Thank you!

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