The response length needs to be at least 500 words While spelling, punctuation,

May 17, 2024

The response length needs to be at least 500 words
While spelling, punctuation, and grammar are important, most of your grade is considered by the quality of your description, analysis, and comparison. Length of the writing just needs to be long enough to successfully include the two areas of criteria. If you can meet the criteria within the minimum 500 words, then that will suffice.
Attempt to fully describe the artwork by writing about but not limited to:
Time produced
Cultural region
To write an analysis, you will need to ask yourself and answer questions like:
Is the artwork ceremonial?
Was it made for commercial sale?
Did the artist name the artwork?
Did settler-colonialism influence the art in any way?
Was the artwork made using traditional techniques, like basket weaving?
How is relationship to place relevant to the artwork or the materials used?
Is there a narrative expressed in the visual features of the artwork?
What purpose was the artwork made? Is it for utility? Or a weapon? Perhaps it was used only in special ceremonies?
How are the two works similar?
How are the two works different?
All of the other information are shown in the photos below. Let me know if you have any questions. Include at least 2 of the Key Terms in the writing

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