The research plan is attached, BUT PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING.  I must write a re

June 21, 2024

The research plan is attached, BUT PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING. 
I must write a research paper on the following topic: A comparative study on the issues of professional medical insurance for diagnostic errors related to the use of artificial intelligence in Canada and Europe.
The research question is: Should physicians’ professional insurance cover medical errors related to the use of AI systems in radiological imaging diagnosis? An analysis in light of Canadian and European AI legislation.
I have attached a research plan to follow. 
IMPORTANT: Please note the following: 
1) It is madatory to use The Canadian Bill C-27 on AI and the European Union AI act. Here are the links: 
2) It is very important to use the McGill juridical citation style (including footnotes). I have a guide for this if you need it, please let me know. 
3) It is important that the project is not simply a dissertation. It must include opinions, reflexions and recommendations as per the plan’s instructions. 

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