The research paper consummates the various assignments that have been completed

April 28, 2024

The research paper consummates the various assignments that have been completed through the course. Students will Write a 10 page Research Paper addressing some aspect or topic on homeland security. The paper should conclude with a supported assessment of Benjamin Franklin’s famous missive addressing the basic premise “are we safer?” and “at what price?”
“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” Benjamin Franklin
The paper will be graded on relevance, depth, completeness, effort, and quality. This paper is worth 100 points out of the course total of 650 points, or 15% of the course grade.
20 pts – Relevance: How does the paper relate to homeland security?
20 pts –Depth:  How thoroughly does the paper examine the topic?
20 pts – Completeness:  Does the paper answer all questions the student has posed or identified?
20 pts – Effort: Are there three or more authoritative sources referenced and in-text cited, with APA formatting?
20 pts – Quality:  Is the paper properly formatted (double spaced), in-text cited, referenced and checked (spelling and grammar)?
Due to this being a criminal justice course please have a pro homeland security / law enforcement tone.

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