The purpose of this essay is to explore a contemporary issue related to Media La

May 3, 2024

The purpose of this essay is to explore a contemporary issue related to Media Law and Ethics and analyze it for potential solutions. You have broad latitude here, so you should choose a topic with which you are interested.
You need to pitch your topic to me in writing. You’ll submit a one-page proposal on Canvas. This is similar to an abstract for research papers. Briefly describe the contemporary topic you want to explore, why it’s an important issue related to Media Law and Ethics and list a few potential sources of information. I encourage you to visit with me during Zoom Office Hours (or schedule an appointment) or during an optional grad chat to discuss potential topics. There’s no specific deadline for this, but I suggest getting approval from me in the next few weeks (no later than early April) to give yourself amble time to research and write your Final Essay. Getting started early allows for adjustments if necessary.
As a piece of academic writing, this essay should conform to research papers you’ve done in other classes. Since some of you come from different academic backgrounds, I’m not a stickler for any particular format, so use the one you want or are comfortable with. As long as you write in complete sentences, cite your work with footnotes or endnotes and have a bibliography, then that works for me.
III. Analysis of the topic – Using what you’ve learned this class about free speech and free press principles, analyze the topic to explore how precedents and legal interpretation can or should help resolve the topic. If it’s a novel topic, then you might explore how past decisions could be interpreted to apply to your topic. In this section, you can offer a solution or potential resolution. However, keep in mind that this is an objective piece of writing, so don’t use personal pronouns (such as I or we). You may try to be persuasive here, but it should be based on your research and experts, not your personal opinion.
IV. Conclusion – A brief summary of the topic, the importance of the issue and your proposed solution.
Also, you’ll include a bibliography. You should aim to have at least seven (7) to 10 sources such as book sources (including “Mass Media Law”), individual cases, news sources and organizational statements).
Use a standard 12-point font and double space your essay. Proofread your essay for grammar, spelling and punctuation.

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