The Prompt: What were the main characteristics of each of the following periods:

June 23, 2024

The Prompt:
What were the main characteristics of each of the following periods: Native Californian societies before European contact; the Spanish period; the Mexican period; and the American period? Why and how did one period give way to the other?
You will find ample information to address these questions in The Elusive Edentextbook, videos and Discussion documents. Essay responses should show a thorough understanding of the readings and be college level (clear, organized, without typographical errors, logical, etc.)
Your essay should have an introduction with a clear argument, a well-developed body with ample supporting evidence, a conclusion that provides some final analysis, and be about seven paragraphs in length (paragraphs should be at least five sentences in length but often longer). Your argument is your brief answer to the question while the body of the essay is used to provide detailed historical examples to support your argument. Although analysis of the material should be woven into the body of your essay, the conclusion is where you will be able to show that you have thought about the material in a critical and analytical way (rather than simply regurgitating information). Also, remember that any information included in your essay should be pertinent to answering the question asked of you.
For the purposes of this essay, you can use parenthetical citation. Please only use information from within the confines of this class, such as video lectures, the textbook, primary documents, and any other assigned readings.
Example for Video Lecture citation: (Video 1).
Example for Textbook citation: (Rice, 42).
Example for a Document citation: (“The Big Four”, 198).
*I will provide the textbook once accepted*

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