The Personal Impact Paper (PIP) is a report about some aspect of physical scienc

April 21, 2024

The Personal Impact Paper (PIP) is a report about some aspect of physical science that affects you as an individual. This assignment is intended to provide you with the opportunity to more fully explore a topic from this class that interests you. You may choose a machine or form of technology that you wish to understand or some principle of chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc. you find intriguing. The paper should be 900- to 1000 word in length and be APA formatted. Your submission should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font. You should include a minimum of two credible (or peer-reviewed) sources. The two sources should be both used in both text and bibliography. Your paper should include the sections listed below:
I. Introduction: (Thesis Statement)
II. Main heading/idea of paragraph #1
Supporting detail 1
Supporting detail 2
Supporting detail 3
Ill. Main heading/idea of paragraph #2
Supporting detail 1
Supporting detail 2
Supporting detail 3
IV. Main heading/idea of paragraph #3
Supporting detail 1
Supporting detail 2
Supporting detail 3
V. Conclusion
VI. Sources (minimum of two sources)
btw please send me a message and let me know what topic you decide to do it on. I was thinking of doing it on calories and the calorimeter device. However, feel free do do it on another topic that relates to chemistry if you so choose.

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