The OSHRC publishes decisions by administrative law judges and the full OSHRC on

May 2, 2024

The OSHRC publishes decisions by administrative law judges and the full OSHRC on their website:
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. (n.d.). Decisions.
Using the OSHRC Decisions Search, select “Final Commission Decisions” from the drop down menu. Then, use the date
range to search and select one case within the last three years.
After reading the case, write a paper that addresses the following areas that are listed below.
Provide an introduction and a brief overview of the process for contesting citations.
Include a summary of the company and the citation.
Explain what the final decision of the OSHRC was in the case you selected, and whether or not you agree with this
Provide a rationale for your argument.
Your paper should be a minimum of two pages. In addition to the case study you select from the OSHRC website, support
your paper with at least one scholarly reference from the Waldorf Online Library.
Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are

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