The only product that is needed is Arsenic Powder SDS, which is attached Instruc

May 4, 2024

The only product that is needed is Arsenic Powder SDS, which is attached
Identify and select exposure standards that are relevant to the scenario presented below. 
Who: Individual students    The only Product that is needed is Arsenic Powder SDS is attached
What: Select exposure standards for worker health protection. 
Where: Upload your compiled document to the Assignments folder for Unit 7.    
When: Due on the last day of Unit 7 at 11:59PM ET.   
Why: To understand the application of various exposure limits.    
How: Prepare for exposure assessment activities by identifying and selecting exposure limits.    
As an environmental health and safety professional, you may be tasked with research about applicable exposure limits for hazardous substances. This assignment is intended to practice data retrieval and organization. Use the information you gathered for the Unit 7 Discussion and expand upon it. 
The Inexplicable Chemical Company is a fictional chemical manufacturing company that is just beginning their operations in Maryland. A brief description of anticipated worker activities with each substance is provided below. 
CAS No. 
Product Name 
Physical State 
Worker Activities 
Fibers & Resins 
Use of 3-dimensional (3-D) printers which may release particles and organic chemicals. 
Arsenic Powder 
Metal Alloys 
Casting, welding, and grinding of metal alloy parts which may release particles. 
Asbestos, Crocidolite 
Metal Alloys 
Casting, welding, and grinding of metal alloy parts which may release particles. 
Fibers & Resins 
Use of 3-dimensional (3-D) printers which may release particles and organic chemicals. 
Beryllium Foil 
Metal Alloys 
Casting, welding, and grinding of metal alloy parts which may release particles. 
Metal Alloys 
Casting, welding, and grinding of metal alloy parts which may release particles. 
Ethylene Oxide 
Urethane Foam 
Manufacture and cutting of foam components, which may release particles, gases, and vapors. 
Lead Powder 
Metal Alloys 
Casting, welding, and grinding of metal alloy parts which may release particles. 
Methylene Chloride 
Urethane Foam 
Manufacture and cutting of foam components, which may release particles, gases, and vapors. 
Silica, Crystalline 
Fibers & Resins 
Use of 3-dimensional (3-D) printers which may release particles and organic chemicals. 
Assignment Details:  
Review the anticipated worker activities during normal operations.
Review the exposure controls (Hint: Section 8) listed in the SDS document(s) for your selected hazardous substance.
Prepare for exposure assessment activities by explaining the most important hazards and risk factors related to your selected hazardous substance. Update and consolidate this information from previous assignments to provide a high-level overview to the management team.
Identify available occupational and environmental exposure limits for your selected hazardous substance.
Select which exposure limit(s) you would recommend for normal operations and in the event of a spill or release of the selected hazardous substance.
Write a memo to the management team explaining the anticipated worker activities, most important hazards and risk factors, available exposure limits, and your recommendation of selected exposure limits during normal operations and in the event of a spill or release of the selected hazardous substance. 
Throughout this course and program, your work will be assessed for assignment-specific items and four general criteria:    
Context and purpose: The Unit 7 Assignment is intended to be written as a technical memorandum.  
Sources and evidence: Any sources you use should be documented in APA format. In-text citations and a reference list are required.    
Writing style: Your report should be written in your own words, with no grammar or spelling errors.    
Format and layout: Submit your assignment in one compiled document (.docx or .pdf). As this is a technical memo, the formal APA paper format is not required.      
Review the detailed grading rubric for this assignment before beginning to work on it.  
Due on May 7, 2024 11:59 PM
Hide Rubrics
Rubric Name: Unit 7 Assignment Rubric
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion Score
Scenario Elements: Include all scenario elements provided in instructions.
10 points
Includes all provided assignment scenario elements: fictional company name, hazardous substance, department, and anticipated worker activities. 
8.5 points
Includes most provided scenario elements, and/or has one incorrect or missing element from the assignment scenario. 
7 points
Includes some provided scenario elements, and/or has two incorrect or missing elements from the assignment scenario. 
0 points
Does not include OR includes inaccurate or insufficient elements of the assignment scenario, with more than two elements missing or incorrect.  
Score of Scenario Elements: Include all scenario elements provided in instructions.,
/ 10
Introduction: Introduce reader to the hazardous substance proposed for use and most important hazards and risk factors.
10 points
Provides a clear and accurate introduction that contains the substance name and CAS number. Introduction is a high-level, updated, and consolidated overview of the most important hazards and risk factors of the substance. 
8.5 points
Provides a mostly complete introduction to the technical memo that lacks clarity and/or contains a minor science or logic error.    
7 points
Provides an introduction to the technical memo that is brief and lacking depth and/or contains some science or logic errors. 
0 points
Does not provide an introduction OR provides an introduction to the technical report that contains many science or logic errors.    
Score of Introduction: Introduce reader to the hazardous substance proposed for use and most important hazards and risk factors.,
/ 10
Exposure Limits: A list or table of all available occupational and environmental exposure limits.
20 points
Provides an accurate and well-organized table of available exposure limits, with a minimum of 6 types of exposure limits. Table includes a designation of the type of exposure limit (occupational or environmental). Table includes the actual limit as a time-weighted average (as applicable). Table includes a designation of whether the exposure limit is a regulatory standard or a voluntary guideline. 
17 points
Provides table of available exposure limits that lacks clarity and/or contains a minor error. A minimum of 5 types of exposure limits are presented. Table includes the type of exposure limit and numerical limit. Table includes a designation of whether the exposure limit is a regulatory standard or a voluntary guideline. 
14 points
Provides a table that is brief and lacking detail and/or contains some errors and/or provides a list of exposure limits. A minimum of 4 types of exposure limits are presented. Table or list includes at least the type of exposure limit and numerical limit. 
0 points
Does not provide a table or list OR provides a table or list that contains many errors and inaccuracies. Less than 4 types of exposure limits are presented, and substantial information is missing. 
Score of Exposure Limits: A list or table of all available occupational and environmental exposure limits.,
/ 20
Recommend: Select exposure limits for normal operations and in the event of a spill or accidental release of the substance.
20 points
Clearly selects at least one appropriate exposure limit to be used when assessing normal operations. Clearly selects at least one appropriate exposure limit to be used when assessing exposure during a spill or accidental release. Includes a brief explanation about why the exposure limits were selected. 
17 points
Selects at least one compliance-based exposure limit to be used when assessing normal operations. Selects at least one compliance-based exposure limit to be used to protect employees and/or the public during a spill or accidental release. Includes a statement about why the exposure limits were selected. 
14 points
Selects at least one compliance-based exposure limit but may not clearly explain whether it is to be used during normal operations or during a spill or accidental release of the substance. Includes a generic statement about exposure limits and why they are used. 
0 points
Does not select OR selects an unrelated or inappropriate exposure limit, without explaining whether it is for normal operations or during a spill or accidental release of the substance.  
Score of Recommend: Select exposure limits for normal operations and in the event of a spill or accidental release of the substance.,
/ 20
Context and purpose: Consideration of the audience, purpose, and specific context.
10 points
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of audience, purpose, and context. Writing is responsive and focused to the assigned technical task(s).   
Audience is the management team of an organization 
8.5 points
Demonstrates adequate understanding of audience, purpose, and context. Writing has a clear focus on the assigned technical task(s).   
7 points
Demonstrates awareness of audience, purpose, and context. Writing is somewhat focused on the assigned technical task(s). 
0 points
Demonstrates minimal understanding of audience, purpose, and context. Writing is unfocused and unrelated to the assigned technical task(s).   
Score of Context and purpose: Consideration of the audience, purpose, and specific context.,
/ 10
Sources and evidence: Accesses information from a range of credible sources.
10 points
emonstrates skillful use of high quality, credible, and relevant sources to support ideas. Uses in-text citations and contains a thorough list of references in correct APA format when required.    
2 sources minimum   
8.5 points
Demonstrates consistent use of credible and relevant sources to support ideas. Uses in-text citations and contains a reference list in mostly correct APA format when required.   
At least 1 source included  
7 points
Demonstrates an attempt to use credible and/or relevant sources to support ideas. Inconsistently uses in-text citations and contains a reference list in somewhat correct APA format when required.  
0 points
Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support ideas. Does not use in-text citations and/or reference list is not provided in APA format when required. 
Score of Sources and evidence: Accesses information from a range of credible sources.,
/ 10
Writing style: Uses clear and concise writing style with limited errors.
10 points
Uses concise and technically accurate language to communicate with intended audience. There are no obvious errors in grammar, sentence structure, spelling, or punctuation.   
8.5 points
Uses concise and mostly accurate technical language to communicate with a general audience. There are minor errors in grammar, sentence structure, spelling, or punctuation.   
7 points
Uses language that somewhat conveys meaning to a general audience. There are multiple and/or repetitive errors in grammar, sentence structure, spelling, or punctuation. 
0 points
Uses unclear or technically incorrect language that does not convey meaning to a general audience. There are substantial errors in grammar, sentence structure, spelling, or punctuation.   
Score of Writing style: Uses clear and concise writing style with limited errors.,
/ 10
Format and layout: Follows assignment instructions and shows attention to detail.
10 points
Closely follows assignment instructions related to format, organization, and layout. Attention to detail is evident.    
Technical memorandum 
Data presented in tables 
8.5 points
Mostly follows assignment instructions related format, organization, and layout. Acceptable but could be improved with some effort.   
Attempt at technical memorandum 
Data presented in tables   
7 points
Somewhat follows assignment instructions related to format, organization, and layout. Includes some less-than-acceptable attributes or lack of detail.   
Has some formatting elements   
No tables used   
0 points
Does not follow many assignment instructions related to format, organization, and layout. Shows little or no attention to detail.    
No discernable format  
No tables used   
Score of Format and layout: Follows assignment instructions and shows attention to detail.,
/ 10

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