The introduction is succinct and embodies the project’s primary objectives and o

June 29, 2024

The introduction is succinct and embodies the project’s primary objectives and outcomes. The introduction constructs the purpose of the business proposal. A compelling and justifiable conclusion is developed.
The report is consolidated and detailed, providing a cohesive and compelling argument. Visualizations are contextually relevant and contribute to the understanding of the material. The report format is followed with fewer than 2 errors. The submission includes at least 10 scholarly sources and 15 pages and is defensible.
The brief is comprehensive; meets the requirements stated; demonstrates a clear and concise understanding of the project and its impact to the audience; outlines issues and next steps; and provides a compelling message. The presentation is at least 15 slides and includes at least 4 relevant visualizations. At least 3 graphs are included depicting a significant aspect of the results.
Current APA style is used (title page, margins, citations, organization, resources page, and page numbering). Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are used. CRISP-DM is firmly followed.

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