The goal for this paper is for you to analyze the development of labor unions in

April 28, 2024

The goal for this paper is for you to analyze the development of labor unions in air traffic
and their relationship with the Federal Government. Since the late 1960’s air traffic
controllers have been represented by different labor unions. The first union was the
Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) which was followed by the
current union, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA). There have
been several turbulent time periods involving the air traffic unions and the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA). Discuss the development of labor unions and their
relationships with the FAA. Why did the work force feel there was a need for labor
representation? There was one very critical event in the 1980’s which must be looked
at in order to gain a full understanding of the relationship between controllers &
management. In your opinion, should labor unions be allowed in the “business” of ATC?
Is it wise to allow controllers to have labor representation in the critical industry in which
they operate? If ATC were to become privatized do you think the relationship will
change? The relationship between the parties has improved significantly from the
beginning. However, there was a set-back in the mid 2000’s when the FAA forced
controllers to work under imposed work rules. This is another important event to look at
in forming your opinion. Lastly, I think it’s important to also investigate whether labor
issues seem to be a partisan issue. Does one side of the isle seem to have a more
favorable relationship with controllers?
Feel free to use whatever information you would like. The information I provided is just
something to help you get started with your thoughts. However, you must cite any
information which is not your own. If you are unsure how to do this please refer
to the APA manual or contact me. Citations need to be in the body of the paper as
well as the reference page. We had some issues with citations on the last written
assignment where a good majority of the students had points deducted. The
paper must conform to APA standards as a whole, not just citations, as the
syllabus states. If you’re not sure what this means, please ask!!!!
The paper must be submitted no later than the end of week #15 at 11:59pm (several
weeks from now so don’t wait until the last minute). Please submit it via Canvas. It
must be a typed paper, no hand written documents will be accepted. Please also do not
submit it as a PDF, submit it as a word processing document so I am able to make
comments & return the paper to you. If able, try not to exceed 5 pages. Again, if you
have any issues with the submission let me know & we can work something out.
The paper is worth 100 points, or, 10% of your class grade.

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