The Example questions on the assignment are based on a firearms expert Example (

July 3, 2024

The Example questions on the assignment are based on a firearms expert Example (My expertise will be Human Trafficking)
No need to worry about the READ: CONTENT
Answer first 10 initial Questions &
Answer 3 of the 5 Additional questions
#1. answer is Student
Choose Two
(2) using the Frye, Daubert, or FRE 702 Criteria
Three (3) of the five (5) questions are from three separate references
from the Specialized Readings from your resume (CV) (which will be attached below) Pull the 3 questions from the attached material.
All references I’ve used are attached to the CV given below.
also attached are 3 of those references. You can also choose an additional reference regarding Human Trafficking from the CV.
Any Questions please let me know through Chat.
Each Questions should be asked differently than Example Questions. These are just examples.
I will attach a Mock trial that has already been turned in this semester. 

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