The essay question is ‘How might a public health approach to youth crime balance

June 23, 2024

The essay question is ‘How might a public health approach to youth crime balance welfare and justice models?’ This is an informal essay, we have been guided to write it in the style of article written in ‘The Conversation’ with a specific example being one written called ‘Increase incarceration of First Nations women is interwoven with the experience of violence and trauma’ This is the aim of the essay a) measure your understanding of a general crime control controversy (i.e. why is the issue of criminological interest and significance? What are the key debates that animate and distinguish different approaches to the topic? How can criminological research help with explaining and addressing the problem? What types of criminological concepts have been applied and what are their relative strengths and weaknesses?). It shouldn’t have too many references, it is a take home exam style. Needs to have excellent introduction with thesis/argument, aims and objectives fully and coherently explained, insightful analysis of the issues with very strong leadership and command of the field, Flawlessly written, logically structured with exceptional transitional sentences linking the introduction, body and conclusion, a powerful and striking conclusion with strong articulation of the thesis or argument. Also a ‘public health approach’ looks at more therapeutic approaches and interventions to preventing youth crime and helping at risk youth 

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